Click on the name of our partners if you would like more information about their research!
Prof. Enzo Alessio, University of Trieste, Italy
Synthesis of Photosensitizers
Dr. Olivier Blacque, University of Zurich, Switzerland
X-ray Crystallography
Prof. Annie Castonguay, INRS Montreal, Canada
Biological Evaluation of Metal Complexes
Dr. Ilaria Ciofini, Chimie ParisTech, PSL University, France
Computational Studies
Prof. Hongjie Dai, Stanford University, USA
Prof. Paul Dyson, EPFL, Switzerland
Metal Complexes for PDT Applications
PD Dr. Stefano Ferrari, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Biological Evaluation of Metal Complexes on Cancer Cells
PD Dr. Julien Furrer, University of Berne, Switzerland
Biological Evaluation of Metal Complexes on Parasites
Dr. Markus Gallei, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
Drug Release
Prof. Robin Gasser, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Biological Evaluation of Metal Complexes on Parasites
Prof. Santiago Gomez-Ruiz, Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
Synthesis of Nanoparticles for PDT
Dr. Philippe Goldner, Chimie ParisTech, PSL University, France
Photophysical Properties of Metal Complexes
Dr. Bruno Goud, Institut Curie, PSL University, France
Biological Evaluation of Metal Complexes
Prof. Katja Heinze, University of Mainz, Germany
Photophysical Studies of Metal Complexes
Prof. Andrew Hemphill, University of Berne, Swizterland
Biological Evaluation of Metal Complexes on Parasites
Dr. Marcel Hollenstien, Institut Pasteur, France, France
Selective PDT Photosensitizers
Prof. Jennifer Keiser, Swiss Tropical Institute, Basel, Switzerland
Biological Evaluation of Metal Complexes on Parasites
Prof. Caroline Maake, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Biological Evaluation of Metal Complexes on Tumor Models
Prof. Thomas Mindt, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Autria
Prof. Clotilde Policar, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, PSL University, France
Cellular Visualization of Metal Complexes
PD Dr. Bernhard Spingler, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Synthesis of novel PDT Photosensitizers
Dr. Holger Stephan, Dresden-Rossendorf Research Centre, Germany
Radiolabelling and Biological Evaluation of Metal-containing Bioconjugates
Prof. Christophe Thomas, Chimie ParisTech, PSL University, France
Synthesis of Organometallic Complexes
Prof. Henrik Visser, University of the Free State, South Africa
Drug Delivery of Metal Complexes
Prof. Frank Würthner, University of Würzburg, Germany
Synthesis of PDT Photosensitizers
Dr. Kristof Zarschler, Dresden-Rossendorf Research Centre, Germany
Radiolabelling and Biological Evaluation of Metal-containing Bioconjugates
PD Dr. Felix Zelder, University of Zurich, Switzerland, France