Francisca Figueiredo

Francisca Figueiredo
PhD student
Chimie ParisTech
PSL University
Institute of Chemistry for Life and Health Sciences
Laboratory for Inorganic Chemical Biology
++33 1 85 78 41 53

Francisca was born in Porto, Portugal. She came to Paris after finishing high school in Portugal. In Paris, she obtained a bachelor’s degree in Life Sciences at the Université Paris Descartes and then proceeded with a master’s degree in Chemistry and Life Sciences at PSL University. During her higher education, she discovered inorganic chemistry and since has shown interest in its application to the health domain.

Francisca joined the Gasser Group in 2021 to complete her master’s diploma in Chemistry and Life Sciences with a six-month internship.

Currently, Francisca is working with Gilles Gasser and Kevin Cariou to prepare her PhD diploma on the development of metal complexes for in cellulo photocatalysis and photodynamic therapy thanks to an ANR grant.

Francisca enjoys reading, cooking, and listening to music. When she is out with friends, she likes to play board games and dance.
