Max Fellert

MaxMaximilian Fellert
Exchange Student
Chimie ParisTech
PSL University
Institute of Chemistry for Life and Health Sciences
Laboratory for Inorganic Chemical Biology
+33 1 44 27 56 04


Maximilian was born and raised in a small town near Düsseldorf in the west of Germany. In high school, he discovered his passion for chemistry and thus took part in the German election process for the International ChemistryOlympiad. In 2013 he started to study chemistry in at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf. During his bachelor degree, he was working on the cyclopropanation of nucleobases under the supervision of Prof. Constantin Czekelius.

As his interest in bioorganic chemistry and chemical biology has grown permanently, he moved to the Ludwig Maximilians-University Munich to perform his master degree with focus on organic and inorganic chemistry as well as chemical biology.

After having performed an internship on the preparation of 13C, 15N-labelled samples of OmpX for solution and solid-state NMR under the supervision of Prof. Rasmus Linser in Munich, he moved to the University of Groningen (Netherlands) for four months to work on molecular motors driven by two-photon absorption under the supervision of Prof. Ben Feringa.

Afterwards he decided to join the Gasser Group for an internship as an exchange MSc student to work on novel, cytotoxic Ru(II) complexes.

In his spare time, he loves travelling, reading and solving logic puzzles. Moreover, he enjoys tasting good French cuisine and wines.