Article accepted in Inorg. Chem.!
Congratulations to Anna and Philipp whose article has been just accepted by Inorg. Chem. In this paper, we present the photo-release of aminoferrocene from “cages” to induce toxicity in cancer cells.
New VIP article accepted in Angew. Chem.!
Congratulations to Huaiyi whose paper has just been accepted by Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. as a VIP article! This paper, which is the result of an active collaboration with Prof Hui Chao (Sun Yat-Sen University, China) reports on a highly
Congratulations to Seraina who has just passed her Master thesis exam!
Congratulations to Seraina who just passed her Master exam! A big thank-you for your terrific work in the group, which lead to very nice publications. All the best for the end of your Master.
New funding from the UBS Promedica Stiftung and the Forschungskredit of the UZH
Excellent news, the UBS Promedica Stiftung and the Forschungskredit of the University of Zurich have decided to financially support our research. This will allow for Riccardo to stay longer in our labs! A big thank-you to these fundations.