Gilles among the 5% of the Reviewers for Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
Excellent news, Gilles was among the top 5% of the reviewers for Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. in 2017!
Inorganic Chemical Biology
Excellent news, Gilles was among the top 5% of the reviewers for Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. in 2017!
We are very happy to welcome Dr. Luke McKenzie, who is starting a post-doc between the group of Dr. Marcel Hollenstein at the Pasteur Institute and ours at Chimie ParisTech, PSL University. Luke is financed by the ARC Foundation (Agence
Congratulations to our previous lab members Saonli and Malay for the arrival of their baby son Somrik. Best wishes to the three of them!
Johannes and Gilles are currently spending 4 days in Stanford as part of a collaboration with the group of Prof. Hongjie Dai. This stay is funded by the France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and PSL University.
We are very happy to communicate that our review article in honour of our esteemed colleague and friend the late Prof. Leone Spiccia has been accepted in ChemPlusChem. This article written in collaboration with Dr. Tanmaya Joshi and Dr. Holger